December 2017

Optogenerapy > 2017

The success of modern medicine results from a synergy between the development of drug delivery devices and the ever-growing drug industry. The Optogenerapy solution aims at disrupting the current drug delivery techniques proposing a cell-based implant able to produce a drug of interest directly inside the patient.   Project partner ETH-Zurich recently published a paper on this innovative solution. In this interview, Marc Folcher, senior scientist and...

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Berlin, 20th October, 2017 – The EU-funded Optogenerapy project was presented at the XXV Anniversary Congress of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT), which took place the 17th - 20th of October 2017 in Berlin, Germany. During the second day of the Congress, partners exhibited the poster “Bio-electronic cell-based implant to deliver beta interferon”, explaining the methodology and objectives behind the project.   For...

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Barcelona, 11th September, 2017 – The Optogenerapy consortium will be gathered together for its second meeting after the project’s kick-off in February. The meeting, hosted by the project’s partner ETHZ, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, will take place in Basel on September 14th and 15th.   The first six months of the project have been busy in defining specifications and designing the first pieces of...

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The paper “Optogenerapy: When bio-electronic implant enters the modern syringe era”, breaking down the latest advances of the multidisciplinary technologies behind Optogenerapy’s project, has been published at Porto Biomedical Journal by Fanny Michel and Marc Folcher, two scientifics and lecturers from the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering of ETH Zurich. ETH Zurich is one of the top leading international universities for technology and natural...

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Barcelona, 1st June, 2017 – Researchers from eleven institutions and companies in seven different European countries have started work within the Optogenerapy consortium to develop optogenetic cellular therapy implants by means of printed electronics with biocompatible materials that will enable the administration of therapeutic protein doses for patients with multiple sclerosis, an illness that affects 2.3 million people all over the world and 700,000 in...

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Barcelona 20th February, 2017 - Researchers from eleven institutions and companies in seven different European countries met at Eurecat’s facilities in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) to launch the Optogenerapy project, which aims to develop optogenetic cellular therapy implants as a new treatment for Multiple Sclerosis.   The devices, based on technology developed at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Basel, member of the consortium, will enable the...

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